Sunday, February 28, 2010

A warn before birthday

last night before celebrating my birthday..
i dreamed of someone whispering to my sounds like advice or maybe warning.

but i couldnt remember..thats the sad part...

anyway i was having fun with people celebrating my birthday..
it was kinda bored cos we dont really know what to do..haha
and i dont really plan to celebrate my birthday..iyyyuup..

but i appreciate their concern..they do lotsa stuffs for me..

i actually have lotsa evil ideas to make them do things for me..
but i was not in the mood because they're too nice..
and having ulcer to make things worst..

i dont really talk much that day..sigh..
oh well..they do the talking for least im entertained..
UNO game do spice things up at that day haha

the last part was..they gave me some creepy stories till the end of the day..
planning to put me at the cemeteries and make me believe that night was evil of all nights..
anyway thx for the presents and your time and make me sweat like a lil bit** at the end haha
love you guys..

adios amigos!


  1. hahaha... yg ko kene ngan belacan, syed ngan mozek kat bbb tu mmg kelakar... sori niman.. aku kesian tgk ko kene kaco ngan diorang tp kelakar ar diorg usik ko... ak kene gelak gak time tu...

    happy becoming 22 years old my friend.... hehe~

  2. yeah i barely can talk after all those screams hahaha

  3. well, i think its pretty romantic or motivational..
    in that dream..

    what can i say..i like being optimistic..
